viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

The role of workers+ migrant workers + expatriates

The role of workers+ migrant workers + expatriates

Migrant workers involve the movement of people from one country (or region) to another primarily for employment related reasons (IPPR 2004).

This reality that all countries worldwide are facing currently is due to the lack of opportunities in their home region or country, the both sides of the problem is that there are legal workers, who has permission of the immigrant authorities and illegal workers that doesn´t count with the permission of the authorities. Normally, the last one are used extensively for crop harvesting, mandating that they follow the
Harvest seasons, work in hotels or restaurants, food processing, fruit picking and shellfish gathering and in general some low wages jobs that only help to survive in the new region they were.

There are plenty of reason why people leaves their home region or country some of them are:
·                     Labour migration 
·                     Family reunification 
·                     security 
·                     trade 
·                     Migrant rights 
·                     Health
·                     Integration 
·                     Development.

Another reality that people in the world are facing are the expatriate which mean the exilation of one person or oneself from one's native country or cause (another) to go into exile.

Expatriate assignment
Expatriates are sent to international assignments for various reasons, particularly to initiate, expand and control international operations of the firm worldwide.

·         Professional Development
·         Knowledge Transfer
·         Fulfillment of Scarce Skills
·         Control
·         Coordination

To be an expatriate implies undergoing a socialization and acculturation process that affects their career identities (Mezias and Scandura 2005) and The expatriate assignment (pre-departure, expatriation, and repatriation) requires cycles of reskilling for the expatriate to make necessary adjustments to the host country, and home-country readjustments upon return (ibid). and in order to manage effectively this expatriate assignment this 2 recommendation should take into account:

1.    Success of personnel assigned abroad depends largely on their preparedness through training in culture, customs, and language.
2.    Recognize them for their work and potential for making contributions to the firm now and in the future (this can help shape proactive returnees)

Explain how easy is it for Colombian companies to employ expatriates locally? Give examples

Expatriates locally I going to take it as the farmers that comes to the cities due to the violence, in this cases there is extremely difficult for them to get a good job in the Colombian companies because of the lack of knowledge they have in the real sector of the economies, clear example is the farmers that stand all days in the traffic lights waiting the charity of the Colombian to give them some aid to their situation. It’s important to say that the government is trying to do their best in expatriate subjects with the creation of the OPS (oficina de atención a la población desplazada). Created to support all the expatriates locally.

·         Buckley C. and Wills K. (2011) China's Wen puts social stability at heart of economy.Retrieved from March 20, 2011, from Reuters:
·         Expatriate. (n.d.). Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved March 11, 2011, from website:
·         Florida, R. (2002) The rise of the creative class. The Washington Monthly, 34(5), 15. Retrieved from
·         Institute for Public Policy Research (2004) Labour migration to the UK: an ipprFactFile.
·         Kram, K.E. (1985) Mentoring At Work, Scott, Foresman: Glenview.
·         Mezias, J.M and Scandura, T.A. (2005) A Needs-Driven Approach to Expatriate
Adjustment and Career Development: A Multiple Mentoring Perspective, Journal of
International Business Studies, Vol. 36, No. 5 (Sep.), pp. 519-538
·         Scandura, T.A. and Von Glinow, M.A. (1997) 'Development of the international
manager: the role of mentoring', Business and the ContemporaryWorld9 : 95-115.

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