domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

Managing diversity+ Religions and the organizations

Managing diversity+ Religions and the organizations

The concept of diversity means the recognition of each individual as a different human being unique in their dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies. All these differences should be accepted in order to live in a diverse place with all these shared characteristics growing.

Inside organizations, diversity can contribute to improve the average output of the company because the variation of social and cultural identities among people existing together in a defined employment or market setting can complement and provide new ideas as ibid said “Groups made up of diverse personnel do a better
job of analyzing and attacking problems”.

Diversity management is a way of creating an environment that will enable all people to use full potential to accomplish the mission.

Since diversity is a source of competitive advantage, what could be the recruitment strategies to effectively target to diverse groups? What would be the consequences of ignoring diversity?

Some recruitment strategies could be hire more diverse group of people in order to increase the new ideas, new perspective and understanding of the surrounding environment of the companies worldwide because diversity can be took as a value-added activity when in problem-solving situation the Creativity and innovation is enhanced by different human talent provided for plenty of ethnic groups inside the company.


The religion is a determinant of culture and also is very important because people has a need to believe in something to explain the inexplicable facts in life, religions is Shared beliefs and rituals concerned with the realm of the sacred is complemented with:
Ethical Systems: Moral principles or values used to guide and Shape behavior.

•Shapes attitudes toward work and entrepreneurship and can affect the cost of doing business.

Religion gives formal approval to existing social arrangements.

to justify or give official approval to
•Encourages a sense of unity
•Provides a sense of understanding
•Promotes a sense of belonging

What is the dominant religion in Colombia? What are the religious implications for doing business here? Give examples.

The dominant religion in Colombia is the Christianity being one of the most influent factors in our society but isn´t the most influent factor in the work place due that Colombians knows how to separate both world, as an example we can se that we only go to the church on Sundays to dedicate only one hour to listen the god´s word and the rest of the days we dedicate our lifes in normal work, study and other activities we normally do in normal life such practice sports, etc. however, we can differentiate organizations that in their principles shared some Christian goals and are implemented inside the company without much inconvenient.


·         Fang, T (1999) Chinese Business Negotiating Style, London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
·         Hill, C. (2007) International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace. 7ed. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
·         Weber, M. (1958) The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, New York: Scribner's Press.

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