viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011


The word motivation means according the Business dictionary internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested in and committed to a job, role or a subject, and to exert persistent efforts in attaining a goal.
There are 3 motivation theories and are listed and explained below:
1.    Internal theories: give primary consideration to variables within the individual that give rise to motivation and behavior.
2.    Process theories: emphasize the nature of the interaction between the individual and the environment.
3.    External theories: focus on the elements in the environment.

Inside this topic of motivation there are other important terms that influence and lead to motivation acts like needs that are states or conditions within an individual that generates movement toward some outcome or reward and it`s related with motivation based on this two aspects:

1.    Intrinsic motivation: internal needs.
2.    Extrinsic motivation: external incentives.

Also, we can find many theories about the motivation needs and are explained briefly as follow:

1.    Theory X (Lower order needs): Physiological and safety Set of assumptions on how to manage individuals who are motivated by lower order needs.

2.    Theory Y (Higher order needs): Social, esteem and self-actualization,
Set of assumptions on how to manage individuals who are motivated by higher order needs.

3.    ERG theory (Clayton Alderfer): Workers pursue multiple needs simultaneously


4.    Regression hypothesis: When frustration is experienced at meeting needs, individuals return to the next lower level and intensify their desire to satisfy those needs.

5.    McClelland’s needs theory: David McClelland proposed that and individual`s specific needs are acquired over time and are shaped by one`s life experiences, most of these needs can be classified as either: achievement, affiliation or power.

6.    Two-factor theory: it was proposed by Frederick Herzberg and says that there are certain factors in the workplace that cause job satisfaction, while a separate set of factors cause dissatisfaction. One of the Motivation factors could be psychological growth and of Hygiene factor could be avoidance of pain.

7.    My two cents worth: You as an employee or as a manager have the RIGHT to be dissatisfied about your work conditions but also you have the RESPONSIBILITY to communicate your dissatisfaction and work to help improve the conditions and continuously improve the work conditions within your control.
8.    Stacy Adam’s theory of inequity: People are motivated when they see themselves in risk, or in a position they believe is unfair, also the tension motivates a person to act.

In multicultural organizational contexts what could be a good strategy to keep people motivated towards a common task?

Here in Colombia a good strategy (I think) is to give monetary and recognition incentives apart of the minimum wage in order to encourage the motivation of people toward a common task, obviously this isn`t the only policy a company should implement because in this way people only work not thinking in the main purpose of the task but thinking in the incentive, companies should create good environment inside within employees in order to create an ownership feeling and for them to work efficiently and happiness.


  • Nelson, Debra L. and Quick, James Campbell. 2010. OrganisationalBehavior –Science, the Real World, and You. South-Western CengageLearning, Mason, USA. Chapter5.
  • Viorel, Lefter, ManolescuAurel, Marinas CristianVirgil, and PuiaRamona Stefania. 2009. "Employees Motivation Theories Developed at an International Level".
  • Business Dictionary (2010). Definition of motivation. Retrieved on January the 5

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