jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

Personality, Perception and Attribution; Attitudes and Values

This topics has many terms so I`m going to list all of them and give a brief definition of each. Every term was taken directly of the slides of the class of ORGANIZATIONS AND CULTURES seen in February 9th 2011.
·         Individual differences: The way in which factors such as skills, abilities, personalities, perceptions, attitudes, values, and ethics differ from one individual to another.

·         Personality: A relatively stable set of characteristics that influence an individual’s behavior.

·         Integrative Approach: The broad theory that describes personality as a composite of an individual’s psychological processes.

·         Locus of control: An individual’s generalized belief about internal control (self-control) versus external control.

·         General Self-Efficacy: An individual’s general belief that he or she is capable of meeting job demands in a wide variety of situations.

·         Self-Esteem: An individual’s general feeling of self-worth.

·         Self-Monitoring: The extent to which people base their behavior on cues from other people and situations.

·         Positive Affect: An individual’s tendency to accentuate the positive aspects of himself or herself, other people, and the world in general.

·         Negative Affect: An individual’s tendency to accentuate the negative aspects of himself or herself, other people, and the world in general.

·         Strong Situation: A situation that overwhelms the effects of individual personalities by providing strong cues for appropriate behavior.

·         Social Perception: The process of interpreting information about another person
Three categories of factors influence our perception of another person:
ü  Characteristics of ourselves, as perceivers
ü  Characteristics of the target person we are perceiving
ü  Characteristics of the situation in which the interaction takes place

·         Attribution Theory: A theory that explains how individuals pinpoint the causes of their own behavior and that of others.

ü  Internal attribution (something within one’s control)

ü  External attribution (something outside one’s control)

·         Attribution Biases

ü  Fundamental Attribution Error: The tendency to make attributions to internal causes when focusing on someone else’s behavior.

ü  Self-Serving Bias: The tendency to attribute one’s own successes to internal causes and one’s failures to external causes.

·         Attitude: A psychological tendency expressed by evaluating an entity with some degree of favor or disfavor.

ABC Model of an attitude

ü  Affect: is measured by the physiological indicators like the verbal statements about feelings.
ü  Behavioral intentions: observed behaviors.
ü  Cognition: Attitudes scales.

·         Cognitive Dissonance: A state of tension that is produced when an individual experiences conflict between attitudes and behavior.
·         Values: Enduring beliefs that a specific mode of conduct or end state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end state of existence.

What is your perception of a Japanese aid worker before and after the talk with Yasuko? On what do you base your perception?

My perception of the Japanese aid worker was since the beginning of the lecture of empathy because I felt she was a good woman and very dedicated to her job. Also, she was a very decisive girl because she told us that at the beginning she wanted to go another country instead of Colombia but when she researched a little bit about our country and culture she realized this is a good country and came without any precept. Nothing to say about the payment she got for being here.


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